Motivation Article/ PAY IT FORWARD

Moment passing by quickly doubt whether possible deed both for simple and small which we conduct to others will can influence life of them, possible Film " PAY IT FORWARD" can become impeller giving us of[is spirit [of] to always do not bored do a kindness to others.

Its story tell a story about a child old age eight so called year [of] Trevor which thinking if him conduct kindliness to three people around him, last if three the people continue kindliness that they accept by [doing/conducting] to its three others and so further, hence him sure that in a moment wait this world will fulfill by people who is loving each other.

He/She name the idea: " PAY IT FORWARD Brief of story, Trevor decide that three one who will become material sexperiment [is] its own mamma ( which become parent single), a young man shabby which always seeing of roadside and a classmate which [is] always bothered by a group of naughty children

Attempt [is] even also started :Trevor see that its mamma very solitude, have no friend tosharing to feel, have come to pecandu of beverage hard. Trevor try to discontinue [his/its] mamma addiction by is diligent emptying existing liquor bottle content at home they, he/she also arrange plan so that its mamma can make a date with schoolteacher of Trevor. The mamma which see attentionthe child which big to so become moved emotionally, moment the mamma render thanks, Trevor notice to its mamma " PAY IT FORWARD, MOM

The mamma impressing with conducted by Trevor, impel to continue to kindliness which have accepted of by going to its mother house ( grandmother the Trevor), they have destroyed during through years and they not have, attendance of the putri to apologize and improve;repair
[relation/link] among them make grandmother of Trevor so moved emotionally, grandmother moment of Trevor renderring thanks, the child notice :" PAY IT FORWARD,MOM"

The grandmother which happy so because its him will forgive and accept x'self return, going on the the kindliness by helping a young man what is fear because pursued by people segerombolan to hide car the grandmother, when [all] its pursuer have gone, the young man say thank, the grandmother notice : " PAY IT FORWARD, SON

The young man impressing with kindliness the grandmother, impel to continue the kindliness the by giving its ill queue number at home to a girl bad off small to be more first get treatment, father the girl small so compliment to the this young man, the young man notice to father the small girl :

Father the small girl impressing with kindliness the young man, impel going on the the kindliness by giving its car to a journalist of TV which its car hit accident at the (time) of covering a nevent, moment the journalist compliment, father the girl of berpesan:"PAY IT FORWARD

The journalist which so impress to kindliness of father the girl, intending to look for tau where from coming [from] of term him " PAY IT FORWARD", its journalism [soul/ head] invite him to trace to retreat to look for information start from father the girl, young man which giving hospital number queue, grandmother giving hideaway, Ladies the grandmother forgiving, until to the Trevor having an idea Impress is by what conducted by Trevor,
The journalist arrange Trevor to can come up [in] Television so that many people which inspire by what have been as by this moppet.
Opportunity moment to come up [in] Television executed, Trevor invite all beholder what seeing the the event to READY TO TO START FROM THEIR X'SELF [BY] XSELF TO DO KINDLINESS TO PEOPLE AROUND THEM to be world this become loving world But old age briefest Trevor, he is jabed by moment knife will help friend school which is always bothered by all is scamp, finish obsequies of Trevor, what a surpriseding of the Mamma see thousands of people do not desist him come and in gather its house yard at the same time put down flower and fire wax;candle sign condole to death of Trevor. Trevor Sendiripun to the last its body have never realized passed to many is impact people only by doing loving kindliness to others.

Is it possible that our moment of fascinated enjoy kindliness of God in our life, and we ask around to God how to to lay open to feel thank to Him, God answer only as simple as this: " PAY IT FORWARD OTHERS around to YOU ( Continue that to existing others around you)"

Wise Word Today.

Fragrance of flower cannot spread over to fight against wind blowing direction, so also its fragrance sandalwood, flower of tagara jasmine and. But its fragrance of benefaction can fight against wind blowing direction. Fragrance of name one who Wise will disseminate whole angle

Submit by : Mr Aan